AboutEl Proyecto

This experiment in cross-border investigative journalism by two European, two Kenyan and one American journalist seeks to redefine both the focus and the audience of development reporting.This data reveals Kenya as the battlefield between two competing financial interests: the flow of aid money from Europe to Kenya and multinational profits from Kenya to the Europe Union, Kenya’s second largest trading partner after China.

Aid money flows into Kenya to help strengthen institutions and private companies, from agro-industrialists to oil barons, seek to profit from unregulated resources. Mapping development and private sector stories and data help people visualize the interplay between capitalism and altruism and its impact on wealth and inequality. The geo-narratives mapped along side development projects and private industry underscore the relationship between people, data and the politics of development.

The project is designed to raise awareness about the need for developed and developing countries to become partners in development that work together to harmonize and regulate development and private sector investments through open data. This investigation focuses on two hotspots:

  • Turkana, where newly discovered oil has forever changed (for better or worse) the landscape for the poorest people in Kenya and the humanitarian groups that serve them.
  • Lake Naivasha, where transnational agro-industrialists cultivate and export much of Europe’s annual flower supply while non-profit organizations groups protect water quality, defend labor rights and resettle internally displaced people, thanks to European donors.

The content and visualizations were published in El Mundo in Spain and are available in English and Spanish on the Land Quest website.Land Quest will also serve as an example of a new model of journalistic collaboration among media in the developed and developing world in a globalized media environment in need of in-depth international reporting.

Spanish Aid Data

Many Spanish-funded projects are related to water (basically obtaining, cleaning and providing drinkable water as well as basic hygiene). Is not the biggest sector, frequently surpass by emergency or education projects, but is the most constant. Although the emergency projects are short-term and the education projects are long-term so their impact is complicated to measure and compare.

About the data

While access to information is enshrined in Article 35 of the Kenyan Constitution, there are no laws on the books to enforce this right. Data for this investigation has been provided by the Kenya Water Resources Management Authority in Turkana, Turkana National Environmental Management Authority, National Oil Corporation, Kenya Flower Council, WorldBank, European Commission, Spanish Agencia Española para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo and the Spanish Nariokotome Mission.

All data sets and relevant reports are available for further analysis and reporting on this site In Kenya, data requests were denied or ignored by the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum; Ministry of Mines and Geology; Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources; Chamber of Mines; National Environmental Management Authority (Headquarters), county government officials; UNESCO; the Tea Board of Kenya; and Tullow Oil Company.

Financing The investigation was financed by the European Journalism Centre and the Innovation in Development Reporting Grant Programme. The Africa Media Initiative provided the funding for EcoLab to develop the mapping platform. Internews in Kenya provided equipment and facilities for the investigation in Nairobi as well as the inspiration and a home for the project.

Licensing Unless otherwise noted, you can republish our articles and graphics for free. Here’s what you need to know:You can’t edit our material, except to reflect relative changes in time, location and editorial style. (For example, “yesterday” can be changed to “last week,” and “Nairobi, Kenya.” to “Nairobi” or “here.”)If you’re republishing online, you have to link to us and to include all of the links from our story.You can’t sell our material separately.It’s okay to put our stories on pages with ads, but not ads specifically sold against our stories.You can’t republish our material wholesale, or automatically; you need to select stories to be republished individually.

You cannot republish our photographs without specific permission (write to datadredger@internews.org if you would like to).You have to credit us – ideally in the byline. We prefer “Author Name, Land Quest.” Landquest by Internews Kenya is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/.

Land Quest es un experimento de periodismo de investigación transnacional. Lo llevan a cabo cinco periodistas: dos europeos, dos de Kenia cialis deflated balls y una estadounidense. Su objetivo: redefinir el enfoque y el público del periodismo que cubre los países en desarrollo. A través del análisis de los datos de la Ayuda Europea dedicada a la Cooperación y al Desarrollo, se intenta contar la dinámica entre el donante y el país receptor. Este experimento se ha centrado en Kenia.

El país se ha convertido en un campo de batalla en el que se enfrentan dos intereses: la ayuda europea por un lado; la búsqueda de beneficios de las grande multinacionales del petróleo por el otro. La UE representa el segundo mayor socio comercial para Kenia, adelantada solo por China. Mapear los flujos de dinero del sector privado y de la cooperación ayuda a visualizar cómo la correlación entrebuford altruismo e intereses privados llega a afectar la desigualdad.

Se intenta poner sobre un mapa la relación entre personas, datos y políticas de desarrollo. La investigación ce ha centrado en dos puntos clave:Turkana, donde los nuevos descubrimientos de petróleo han cambiado para siempre -para bien o para mal- el escenario de la región más pobre de Kenia y de las personas que la viven.El Lago Naivasha, donde las empresas del sector agroindustrial cultivan gran parte del stock de flores que se exporta ahierbas con efectola Unión Europea pasando por encima de los derechos laborales y medioambientales de la población local.

El caso español

Los proyectos relacionados con el agua (básicamente saneamiento, obtención e higiene elemental) han sido una constante en la cooperación española. No es la partida más grande, habitualmente se ve superada por proyectos relacionados con educación o emergencia, pero sí que es la más constante de todas. Además los proyectos relacionados con emergencias tienen un carácter muy efímero, y los relacionados con educación son muy intangibles, cualidades que complicaban mucho el análisis.

Sobre los datos Aunque el acceso a la información queda plasmado en el Artículo 35 de la Constitución de Kenia, no hay ningún marco legal que proteja este derecho. Los datos utilizados para realizar los artículos de Land Quest han sido facilitado por Kenya Water Resources Management Authority in Turkana, Turkana National Environmental Management Authority, National Oil Corporation, Kenya Flower Council, el Banco Mundial, la Comisión Europea, la Agencia Española para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo y la Misión Nariokotome.

En Kenya, numerosas peticiones de información y datos han sido denegadas o ignoradas por el Ministerio de Energía; el Ministerio de Minas; el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Agua y Recursos Naturales; la Autoridad Nacional para la gestión del Medio Ambiente; UNESCO; el Tea Board of Kenya y Tullow Oil.FinanciaciónEste trabajo ha sido financiado por el European Journalism Centre y el Innovation in Development Reporting Grant Programme. Africa Media Initiative ha puesto los fondos para la colaboración con EcoLab para el desarrollo de los mapa. Internews Kenya ha facilitado equipamiento y espacios en su sede de Nairoboi, además de la inspiración y de un techo para el proyecto.