Saturday, 06 Dec 2014

The HIV story this World Aids Day
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Kenyan journalist Anne Soy shares her experience in reporting the HIV story during the launch of the 30 years of HIV photo exhibition on November 21, 2014

By Ida Jooste

Media coverage in Kenya this World Aids Day has focused on the gains made in science on the hand AND the need to continue efforts to tackle stigma and discrimination.

Media features in all of Kenya’s print dailies and on radio and TV have sketched this two-fold approach: science has progressed, but stigma is alive.
To commemorate 30 years of HIV in Kenya, Internews in Kenya has created a digital timeline 30 Years of HIV   and has collaborated with the National Aids Control Council to stage a month long photo exhibition at the National Museum of Kenya – on until Christmas. The photo essays by Internews journalism trainees tell stories of the new frontiers in HIV policy, which is a focus on most at risk populations – men who have sex with men, intravenous drug users and sex workers. But the pictures also remind us that HIV is still a risk for everyone: women, children, families. And the HIV response requires us to understand science and to tackle stigma. The media can play a crucial role to achieve these goals.
Here’s how Violet Otindo of K24 told the story:

Kiundu Waweru of The Standard newspaper reported on the photo exhibition that documents 30 years of HIV

This is how the Daily Nation`s DN2 pull out commemorated 30 years of HIV in Kenya on World Aids Day

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