Wednesday, 10 Dec 2014

Where world leaders get their news from
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By Dorothy Otieno

Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame is the most popular African leader on Twitter, according to the latest Twiplomacy analysis by the global PR firm Burson-Marsteller.

The @PaulKagame Twitter account has 645,495 followers. Kagame ranks 40th globally while Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenya @UKenyatta with 607,803 followers ranks 41th. The most followed leader is US President Barrack Obama @BarackObama with 49,166,434 followers.

CNN’s Christiane Amanpour @CAmanpour is the most popular journalist among world leaders, followed by 69 of them. Her colleague @FareedZakaria is followed by 43 world leaders and the New York Times’ Nicholas Kristof and Paul Krugman are each followed by 36 of them.


The New York Times @NYTimes is the most popular news source on Twitter for world leaders, followed by 142 world leaders ahead of Reuters with 134 and CNN breaking news with 130 of them.

The United Nations @UN is the most followed Twitter account by world leaders.

Read more at Twiplomacy.

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